
Ready to be Shared

Ever one for caution’s way
I toss the grains of time this day
In hope that they return to play
Touched gently by your enduring sway…

The passion of this creative tide
Swell the shores on which we abide
Such treasures once given we cannot hide
Beauty born yet remains inside…

Ready to be shared with the world!


gallery 2

leslie's flower



space dancer
colorfield 7
diva eva


New Consciousness Rap II

The road to misshapen identity
Blankets the being inside of me
Spirals toward implosion speedily
Unnerving a self I had not meant to be

Wonderment in all pursuits
Amazingness from stems to flutes
The days behind were stubborn brutes
Bewitchingly conveyed in awesome truths

The challenge of life lies before thee
To confront the mounting inadequacy
When diving deeply in tout de la vie
Freedom negates complacency

Each wayward step reveals a path
For that which is, is not what hath
Been offered up to smoldering wrath
Prepared in cleansing mental bath

Take all the past obscurity
Crash head first into indemnity
Prod social negligence determinedly
Waste no time believing in what you see

Been where sky lay underfoot
Water flowed from flame and soot
Wind restored what was kaput
Upon the brow a brand was put

Open wide the gleaning eye
Revel well in all you spy
Forget the pull of you and I
Release all fear wherein we die


Loving the Man

How can it be
that there is a “we”
that love can infuse all the life that we see
that options allow for us to be free
to live for and give to others totally.
Success is at hand
fortune kisses the brow
vital energy rushes
deep within us just now.
There’s little guessing on plan or intent
Our purpose for being
is clear- to prevent
in our own way
the absence of love
to nurture and multiply
Ours gifts from above.
We’ll love hard like Jesus
In spite of it (them) all
We’ll live for the future
by answering His call.


Ode to the Black Man’s Beauty part 4

A touch, a look, a passing gesture done and then dismissed
A word in conversation, a cheek that’s just been kissed
The memory of a father, the time spent with a friend
The closeness of a lover’s touch in magic hours without end
All these glimpses and expressions of such a beauty, what a joy!
It abounds every passing minute in each man and in each boy
It is the powerful beauty of Black Men
Let’s take a moment and begin again…