
Life Goes On

Reveiwing the posts of the last few weeks its seems there's a lot about war and death. That's what's happening in my life right now. My friend D is somewhere in Iraq doing God knows what. My friend M lost his father two days ago. Two of my co-workers lost father (last week) and father-in-law (today). Death is a constant and it's everywhere. I'm not complaining. As amazing as it seems to me I feel quite liberated since the death of my own father last month. I am more observant in my day to day activities. I seem to be accomplishing lots of tasks and new beginnings feel endless all around me. It's my Dad, I'm sure, letting me know that life is good and that there is much to live for. Here's what I've learned since his passing.It's written in the form of advise to M who is quite frazzled after losting his Dad.

You're going to need an extra helping of concentrated strength
To help with all the stuff to be done for this time and through it's length
Take a look at all the loved ones gathering around you, hold them near
They are the essence of what your father was about, all that's dear
Don't forget that still in you is found the proof that he was here
And amongst the accolades and tears to come
the thought of him will be cause for great cheer