
Pride In My City

Pride has always been a word that I've had difficulty in internalizing since moving to NYC and experiencing the sometimes overbearing festivities of the yearly celebrations of the gay community each year. Granted, there is a true divide between the white and non-white camps when it comes to partying and being open and out, yet I have been a willing participant in activities of merit in each.
August 2006 finds me joyfully working with POCC's Pride in the City www.prideinthecity.com. Everywhere in NYC are the signs of the "official" Black Pride events for 2006. If you haven't been to any of the myrid choices in which to participate, then you must get OUT and go. The opportunity to FRATernize and commune with others in the family that is Black Gay NYC could not now be better or more profound. The artistic voices that are our own are rare, rich, powerful, and overwhelmingly beautiful.
At just one event, the Black Out Art Series, I was priviliged to experience the voices and visions of some of my brothers and sisters which influecned me deeply and added to the texture of my life. I've come to realize with this one evening of performance and presentation that I am not only proud to be an artist and black and gay, but I have a unique responsibility to be all these things to the best of my ability. The mere act of conversation takes on added demension when surrounded by and engaged with others who have come together openly. I have a heaven blessed chance to share in the works, wishes, hopes, dreams and accomplishments of my brothers and sisters by just stepping outside my door and that is a gift I won't turn or walk away from.
Power to the people! Power to the pride!