When the old man came out of the voting booth
with satisfaction welling in his eyes
and shouted while thrusting his fist in the air
"This is for those Birmingham girls who died"
Upon leaving the polling place I could see
A line stretched completely down the block
Full of pride filled smiles and jubilant eyes
This was not just a slumbering flock
Arriving at work to great greetings of joy
at the prospect of having our say
I realized this was a very unique time
That this would be no ordinary day
Then when Jesse Jackson cried and wiped his eyes
and Oprah appeared live on the scene
I knew that America had crossed an unseen line
Things would not be the same as they had been
The world has since cheered and offered its praise
There's much love and support for the cause
As Grandma, Martin, and John guide the way
We'll go forward and bid farewell to what was