
A Lovers Legend

Listen well to the legend of Angel and Isaac
They loved a mighty love with the devil at their back
Caught between extremes of devotion and death
They dared to be two spirits who share a lover's breath
Born in urban madness, the daily struggle to survive
They lived by outlaw codes in the fight to stay alive
Bred of feuding houses, tried in wars of changing turf
They sought to overcome it all by loving for all its worth

Angel made the choice to forever be with his Isaac
To never let him falter, bend, or slip into a crack
To always be together, to be a fire no one could douse
They devised a plan allowing them togetherness in one house
Though it meant deception, the risk was life or death
They chose to be as one to the very last breath
Too soon came the day when destiny pulled back their mask of lies
Machismo and bravado warrented that surely someone dies

A gun at Angel's ear was held there by his one true love Isaac
Forced to execute the lover he had vowed never to attack
Even in the chaos their eyes met and in this they both knew
That for their love to prosper they knew what they had to do
A bullet from the darkness rendered Angel down and dead
Isaac answered by shooting the murderer and then himself in the head
Thus ensuring that in death they would always be as one
From that moment it was known by all a lovers legend had begun

So now you've heard the sad story of Angel and Isaac
They lived and loved yet could not survive the world's attack
Should there be a lesson to learn from such a tale as this
Maybe it is found in the strength of lovers' bliss
Maybe it is found in the madness born of hate
We may all suffer likewise if our efforts are too late
Too late to stop the violence and intolerance each day
Angel and Isaac have shown us that love is the only way
