
White On Black On White

Whizing whispering wilting past In bits and pieces that will not last Quickly quietly quality rain Flailing falling forming again Enough to touch yet not to hold Reaching and gaining clumps of cold Flakes in a pallette of politics pure Sending a message to forever edure


Cameras In My Life

I've had an intimate relationship with cameras all my adult life. Let me introduce a few of them to you...

Revisit the Now

This is the day the time is now empower the present with this simple vow

Nurture an outcome with patience and care only the present separates here and there

Treasure this instance of is life at its best never static in passing in its drama and jest

Envelope this silence know its power encompass this knowing within every hour

Go firmly fluidly with what flows through the veins release all regret born of what may remain

Hold not to the myth of the passing of time see the illusion of future as mist in the mind

Now's the time for ernest living full and rich and sublime with giving

Yes the time is Now