
So That Love Is What Remains

Until the day when we decide
That warfare is insane
Let us pray to use our lives in toil
So that love is what remains

May the spark of oneness and common good
Be the place in which we dwell
Where all forms of scorn, division and strife
Erode before the living well

The message is love, now is the time
Wake up, reach out, be alive
The example is clear, unity or death
Understand this and thrive

If not for love there could be no joy
There would be no you nor me
Imagine no love among girl between boy
Just how strange that would be

If not in love the heart coughs and sighs
Gasping for that which sustains
Give all to love make reality rise
So that love is what remains


Artist I?

Beauty of the ancients
sitting standing near and far
following my every move
ever higher goes the bar

Tested on the basics
compositions pass and fail
broad imagination lingers
dream ideas to no avail

How to meet the challenge
midst a sea of high relief
strokes of genius call to question
inspiration and belief

Must I continue doing makings
while the colors swirl and swoon
passion dictates this delima
has an answer non too soon


What A Who I Am

I’ve lived enough now to know what makes me
There’s inside and outside and more than you see
I’m studied and tested; I can smile, pout and cry
My god is my anchor as life rushes by

Sometimes I like girls sometimes I like guys
Sometimes I just love to see big sexy thighs
It’s just what I am without judgment or guilt
I am the sturdy temple that my god has built

I’m all into giving and lending a hand
It’s one part of me that makes me a man
Other parts are evolving and changing each day
The love of my god has taught me this way

To care for the spaces and the souls of my kin
Can lead me to heaven and guide me to win
I’ll do unto others as I want done to me
I’ll give to the world what my god’s given me

In moments of turmoil, through spasms of pain
I know there are rainbows that come after rain
When the world can be cruel, confusing and kind
It’s my god that arms me with true peace of mind


Lessons from the Grass

Blades of grass are numerous
They're diverse and in nature grow strong
We can profit from thier living example
In the joys of getting along

Warefare grips our existance
Hatred abounds in full view
Mistrust and doubt are our masters
Bleeding the good that we do

Not yet have we become fully human
We are none better than our kin before
The way of life we prize as the ultimate
Is deeply mired in yesterday's lore

We're still babes in lives of true knowledge
Unlearned are our lessons of life
Unknown and ignored are the answers
Which can quel discompassion and strife

Somehow I think we might triumph
With a vision empowered by will
We only need swallow our medicine
Because love is powerful pill


portraitwerx 6


A thing or two in common gives us all enough to cheer
Having one another means a love begins right here
Just because, in spite of, and even though we dare to love
Heaven here on earth is made on the side, below and above
Anytime you think that you’re alone and at an end
Remember this we dwell in bliss, together we always win

modern selfportraiture in the global century

Living in the electronic age.

“Just as hysteria was mobilized in social relations by a culture caught in the last century in a crisis of public and private life, narcissism is now mobilized in social relations by a culture deprived of belief in the public and ruled by intimate feeling as a measure of the meaning of reality.” Richard Sennett

“Thinking about electronic intrusions into our lives, both welcome and unwelcome, as well as the moral and psychological consequences of electronic intimacy and the boundaries of the self in the information age.” James Bowman

Is it simply a question of narcissism?

Narcissism, as in excessive or erotic interest in oneself and/or one's physical appearance.
• Psychology; extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.
• Psychoanalysis; self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of mental disorder . Narcisissm 101

“In a YouTube world, literacy will have vanished and with it knowledge. Visuals and graphics can convey information, but they rarely proffer organizing principles and theories. They are explicit and thus shallow and provide no true insight. They demand little of the passive viewer and, therefore, are anti-intellectual. In this last characteristic, they are true to the Internet and its anti-elitist, anti-expert, mob-wisdom-driven spirit. Visuals encourage us to outsource our "a-ha" moments and the formation of our world view and to entrust them to the editorial predilections of faceless crowds of often ignorant strangers” Sam Vankin, PhD

Pictures of me for the world to see, remember how it used to be?




Beyond what is clearly just in front of your face
Deep into the soul there dwells a restful place
Further still engage a spot that’s sweeter with each touch
Arriving hear you’ll find me shout that I need you oh so much
Take the time to search beyond the mask of what you see
I’m there in gentle places, come claim and rejoice with me




Tell us a story about your days and nights
Maybe share how you’ve made the journey here
With just a glance, a toss or turn of the head
We’ll discern what messages you wear
Go ahead allow the tale its turn
The sharing of it calls us as if to arms
Be at peace for what you’re telling
Hugs us snugly safe from harm




There just to the left of emotion
Coming upon the memory of enchantment
The corners of your mouth are beaming
Signifying a bountiful love inside
Unsolicited and welcome
This simple gift restores the battered heart
And nurtures the meaning of all things




Faces boldly fill the street
Becoming the landscape of an urban beat
The city’s gauge of life and love
Revealed as whole and incomplete

Some are masks of cold deceit
Guiding souls to lost retreat
Most are lights of sober strength
Ever cautious to avoid defeat



the city

The City is teeming with eager faces,
good fortune taps my brow and bids me to
capture some of that vibrancy, here...
The eyes speak of lavish and lonely places and
tales yet to be told...