
prepare for the end

Knowing that soon the world will end
I rise up and prepare all my love to send
Packed in parcels with buttons and bows
I wrap each nurture from my top to my toes
All the hugs are festooned with garland and lace
Every smile has a sparkle to match my face
In clear tiny bottles I collect romantic tears
Careful to exclude double doubts or fears
Great joy is bundled with the utmost care
A needed ingredient upon arriving there
With nurturing, hugs, smiles, and true romance
I can set out to begin the ultimate last dance
I joyfully surround myself with stranger now friend
And love each exciting moment till it absolute end


The Holy Holy Holy Trinity

Freedom Justice Equality
Here to there and back again
These mighty three lead us to win
Any right of passage or battle or test
Has met in this trio our very best
When a task blares a dubious battle call
The triumphant triad deliver all
What then would our Legacy be
Lacking the wealth of the Holy Trinity?

Without Justice- Freedom lags in a tattered sway, blown by wailing winds
of harm that swirl and swarm enough to tug heavily, pulling, growing larger
and becoming the weary weight that wears worse on soul after soul.
The face of fairness is without form.

Without Freedom- Equality lies lifeless, dormant to the winds of change
which move everywhere but here. Breezes ripe with creativity have no ability
to be buoyant. Ideas that could rise are not opportune for flights of inspiration.
The struggle for warmth and welcoming withers.

Without Equality
- Justice leers a lurid glaze, far beyond future horizons toward
a one dimensional past. There, charged with impoverished tales and rich with
painful indignity, we no longer abide in the realm of dreams.
The ability to live out the vistas of possibility is lost.