
"kachina as osiris reborn"     2013
marker and acrylic on drawing board                    
O this heaven, oh this happiness
this home of hearts and dreams
Let it be the reality of love 
for me that it seems
A charter for the future
A plan of active work
A refuge in the midst of
A mad world gone berserk
Solace comes not easily
whilst tossed and flung forlorn
Chaos reigns supremely
midst the torrent of the storm
Let me seek this quality
during hours that feel the worst
Let me but remember
bliss so brilliant I might burst
into a shining star
whose gleaming does recall
this heaven, this hallowed happiness
which holds and heals us one and all...    


"Heaven's Tears"  pen and marker on paper   1997

"On Crying..."
Tears will always fall
Tracks never rise up into air
They can come in copious drenches
That gather and linger where
The drops form prayers and puddles
Tales speak of growing pains
Though ominous or blissful
Their message yet contains
Telling righteousness of meaning
Touting marvel of review
Thine innermost reflections
Thrown forth and fixed anew
To reveal curt introspection
Teeming growth and lauding change
Thorns may mold melodrama
Transformation true remains
Toast heartily the bursting
Torrent of the well
This flow is but a thirsting
Thy truths begin to tell


The Inner Journey

"Colorfield Triptych Panel III"  acrylic on canvas  20013

Traveling a journey from the I to the we  There loving others is the place to be  This body we claim is the vessel we ride  The valleys and mountains are all inside  Every ocean and river is made of our tears  Each obstacle to surpass is but one of our fears  Unending is our effort through work and play  Prayers of our mothers guide each step of the way  Faith of our fathers pave roads leading us there  To a heaven that holds us, a consciousness we share...